
Because it just tastes good

A few days ago I looked up good activities for two-year-olds. I got such great ideas and suggestions. Several people said that they like to color with crayons that don't have the paper on them.

Today, I told the Em that I was going to put the baby down for a nap, and that she should color for a few minutes. I unwrapped the red crayon and told her to use it, and wasn't it cool that it didn't have a wrapper anymore? Off I went.

While calming the baby, I thought to myself, "She is being so good. I think that I'll give her a treat for staying out of his room while I try to get him drowsy. She is such a good listener today!" I put Owen down, and went to find her.

It was very quiet in the house. I had to really look for her. And I found her standing by the fridge, really close to the fridge. Hugging the fridge, trying to hide by the fridge.

Then I see two pieces of the crayon in her left hand, and her right hand is in her mouth, with two more pieces of crayon. Red crayon mess. Why, why do toddlers eat strange things? I didn't know if I should give her a treat, because she did stay out of his room for several minutes, but it was because she was eating something inedible.

Last week we went to the park, and two days in a row she ate sand. I have read that the mouth is a way that they explore and learn, which is understandable. But why would you repeat it? Sand in your mouth has got to be disgusting!

Three days ago I was in the bathroom, and Owen started to cry. Then Emma began to comfort him. I marveled at how attentive she was being. I imagined me walking into the room and finding Emma trying her hardest to make it ok for him, and then I would swoop down and grab him and we all celebrate.

I think I still had an adoring smile on my face from this fairytale as I walked into the living room. There I find Owen on his stomach, yelling from anger as much as anything, with Emma sitting on him. She was perched on his bottom and patting his back.


She explained it well though. With a burst of excitement (and a smidgen of hesitation) she exclaimed, "I'm riding Owen!". She thought it was darn fun. Thus, the lesson of "You can't ride Owen" followed.

It's tough being two. It is a world of rules that you don't understand and logic you can't follow. Why is it ok to ride daddy and not Owen? What is ok to eat, and what isn't? And the list goes on...


Janelle said...

It is so hard being two. You just have to stick with consistent, simple rules. Try to keep them simple. We only eat food. If you're not sure if it's food, ask first. Don't sit on people smaller than you.

Don't feel bad. Caroline once ate a bunch of blue play doh. That was a fun diaper the next day.

Anonymous said...

You're such a talented writer, sis. Keep it up! :) ~ging~