
the countdown should start

My husband accepted a position in South Dakota this week. We are moving in less than three weeks. It has been a whirlwind. I can't think of a time that has been this intense, and can't see anything in the future that may compare. Although I am really excited, there will be challenges. It will be awesome once we are there, and I have this baby, and we just get settled in a little bit.

Like all things (for me), it is the anticipation, the wondering, the "what ifs", that make it hard. Especially with the birth. I wish I were able to be available to help my husband more as he prepares to teach, like type things and brainstorm with him (not that I am a huge help, but just having a secretary would be nice), but if may be a few weeks before that is realistic. I am on such an emotional roller coaster right now. When we moved here, 14 months ago, I was really excited. It felt like we were starting our life together, we had this little baby, and I was going to stay home, and everything just fell into place. I was susie homemaker. Now, being here a year, I think it is great, but I understand that I don't really want to stay in the city forever, and the sense of community in a huge place isn't really there.

This time, moving, it's like we are being thrown into it, and I just have so many things running through my mind all the time. I think it is harder because I have all day to think about what to be doing, but can't really knock out many things. I know it is a good thing to have to complain about, going to an incredible place for an incredible job, close to family, out in the open. I feel really lucky to be stressed out about a great transition. But...always a but. But a lot of things. But, it will be hard, but we will get through it. And it can be fun too. I just need to remind myself that life is really an adventure. And as trite as it is, and we all know how much I love trite things, it's the day to day, how you get there, the fun you have along the way, these are the things about life that make it worth it. We will look back on this, and laugh because of how fast it happened, and how, even years later, we just can't imagine how we did that, how on earth we pulled it off. But we'll also say that it was a great time. We also may have some funny stories about the things we fought about, and how dumb they really were. But, we are doing it as a family. I think one of the best things God created was marriage, having someone to share life with. I wouldn't do this without him, and I wouldn't do it any other way. I am taking his hand, and hanging on for dear life, as I have learned to do, and just running with it. He is amazing, and tells me things I need to hear, and gets excited with me when I want to be excited, and makes sure I am ok with what we are doing. And yes, I am ok, but also a wee bit hormonal, a control addict, and a woman. Women take things differently, I think.

So as we hammer out plans, and figure out options, we are just trying to keep everything in perspective. We do have a lot of help, and offers for help, which is, well, helpful. We are healthy, and have a healthy baby, and have been blessed in so many ways. So, although it freaks me out to be doing so many things at one time, I know that it will be ok, and one to add to the books. And, I repeat to myself what someone, who is a bit of an authority on the subject, told me. What I feel is normal, so not to get to bent out of shape. And, if we end up living in a crack house, it's only for a year, so I can think of it as a pilgrimage, or something.


Sarah said...

Where in SD are you going? What will Jesse be doing?

Nina said...

Congratulations on ALL of the big changes that are going on in your lives!!! Are you going to have the baby and then move or the other way around? Either way will be quite and adventure. :)