
The March Blizzard

Snow day

For all my Kansas friends. Look at what you are missing! I expect no more complaining of "bad weather". :)


a few more

The day Emma got her new "baby", named "corn". She has had a few replacements since this initial meeting (as "corn" tends to get eaten), and has loved them all equally.

If only we could paste this kid on a box. Wouldn't you buy this kitchen?

She is a very happy little girl.

And I am a happy mama. This is my "major award". I registered on an on-line website, and lo and behold, I WON! Woo hoo! The next time I go to the beach to soak up the sun and peer at cameras over my sunglasses, I will definitely take this awesome beach towel with me.

My major award. Lots of cereal and a kicking towel.

Mmm...I love Special K. It is great. I start my day with Special K, and I feel great. And, studies have shown that women who eat two meals of Special K (and a healthy dinner) lose weight. ;)

just a couple...yeah i know, it's been a month.

Emma got a kitchen for her birthday from her adoring parents. She immediately made us oatmeal to show her gratitude.

Owen loves loves loves his johhny jump-up. This kid jumps for great stretches of time. He is very strong. Maybe they should market adult johnny jump-ups. Hmm...I see dollar signs.

Those big eyes saying, "thank you so much for this kitchen, i just love it. i will never want anything else, i promise. i am the happiest kid on the block now, instead of runner-up. thanks mom, thanks dad, you guys rock."

Or something like that.


Where's the Q?

Over the weekend, we made a family trip to the grocery store. It was successful. When we arrived home, I let Emma unload several sacks. She had a very good time taking cereal, pasta, and other products in sturdy packaging out of the sack and setting in on the floor.

After we finished putting everything away, I noticed that she was walking around 'shushing' something. Whatever it was, she was having a very good time mothering it. Of course, I carefully spied on her (as any good mother would do). She had taken the bag of popcorn out, and decided that it made a darn good baby. While we were sitting in the living room, she even took a doll out of her stroller to make room for the popcorn! She named it 'corn', and has been spotted mingling with it on multiple occasions since.

Little Owen slept like a baby last night. Of course, the moment I even think about him becoming a better sleeper he proves me wrong. Nevertheless, it was a much needed night of sleep for the entire family.

This evening I got the hiccups, and Owen thought it was hilarious. He laughed. It was such a fantastic moment. It seems like we have spent so much time comforting him and trying to help him feel better that we have missed out on him just being a baby. It was so much fun to lay with him and just giggle.

After he had gone to sleep, I spent some time with Emma. We laid on the couch and read books. She thought that trying to point to the pictures with her feet instead of her hands was hilarious. It was fun to be silly and try to make her stop. I don't do a very convincing mean mom sometimes. I was in the middle of a book, and she abruptly climbed on top of me. After she had plopped a foot on either side of me, she began to point to all the letters on my shirt and name them. I was very impressed (as any good mother would be). After she finished with my shirt, she began to sing the alphabet song. She got to "q", and said, "where's the q?". She then began to look around the room, as if it would be sitting in a chair or something. It is really fun to share these moments of childhood.

Did I mention that I have given up coffee? If you know me, you understand that this is indeed a great tragedy. Ok, I'm being melodramatic. What is a word for something that is almost a great tragedy, that's what this is. I know, I know, it's terrible. But we think that Owen is doing better because I have not had it. Although I had hoped it would not come to this, here we are. But, I think I'll stay off of it for awhile, and then sneak it in once in awhile and see how he does. (Isn't that what a good mother would do?)