
Hey, big head...;)

This is proof that the kid does smile! It is on his terms though, no smiling for the camera just because I ask him nicely. He is an outdoor kind of guy, really enjoying our trips outside.

This has got to be one of my favorite pictures. The kids are buddies. I have watched Emma treat her brother very nicely. Of course, there are the moments when she gets frustrated with him too, but we've all been pushed around by our siblings, and survived.

Today I took Owen to the doctor. Among the other findings, we learned that he is in the 5th percentile for weight, and 70th percentile for his head size. In height, he is in the middle.


Anonymous said...

For the record...Anne was never 'pushed around' by her siblings. I will not stand by such libelous statements.

K :)

Ben & Leah Weins said...

Yay big heads! It just means there's more BRAINS in there and he's not wasting physical output on the stuff that doesn't matter. (: