Two for today-
1. Emma, and Owen, got to watch Barney today. This does not always fit into our schedule, so when it does, she thinks it is a real treat. She doesn't watch a lot of TV, so she gets pretty excited when she gets to watch her show. I don't know where she got confused, but sometime along the way, she got the words to the opening song mixed up.
Rather than, "Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination", Emma sings, "Barney is a dinosaur from our abomination." She is very sincere as she sings this, and it's darn cute.
2. Emma and I are settling her in for a nap. As usual, she wants to read a book, which we always do. But today I was hungry, and didn't really feel like it. Yeah right. Try to convince a three year-old to switch up the routine on a whim. I know, I know, I am laughing at my own foolishness too. So, she fought back. She didn't yell, she didn't scream or cry.
Matter of factly, she begins to point towards her fan and says, "Ok, I want the fan off, no music, and the door open." :) This girl. Of course, (need I explain?) we always have the fan on, turn on the music, and close the door.
She fought me with logic today. Whoa. I relented, because she made sense, and there is nothing wrong with reading a book for naptime, geesh mom!
Baby in bed
I sat in Emma's room, patiently waiting for her to come in and read a book before she got into bed. She finally came in, carrying her carseat, and her "baby". She had been getting the baby ready for bed. She began to put the baby in its own bed, and it was then that I saw the baby that she was so tenderly caring for. I took her "lentil" baby away today, but she obviously isn't terribly distraught. She has imagination. My personal favorite detail is how her baby must be placed "upside down".
Three year-olds rule.
Three year-olds rule.
My peanut is three.
Emma had a birthday! It is actually on Tuesday, but we celebrated over the weekend.
I made a cake for her, which was pretty fun. It took a lot longer than I had expected it to, but all in all I think it went ok. We put up a little banner, and a little decoration over her door. She really knew her birthday was coming, and all week she was excited. It is so much fun to celebrate with children. Their joy is fun to watch and participate in. My own joy for my own birthday seems to be dwindling, but I suppose that is expected.
Emma had several of her little friends over, so we had a full house of little girls. Owen was the only boy, but I think he enjoyed himself despite the excess level of estrogen. The little girls all had fun too. Emma was very good, and welcomed her guests just as we had practiced all week. "Welcome to my house, let's go play!" At the end of the party, she did a very nice job of thanking them, and helping them pick out a balloon to take home with them.
I have a hard time believing that she is 3! It goes really fast. I know I know, we hear that all the time. But I think over the last three years of my own life, and it just seems really long ago that I didn't have a little Emma, but it also seems like just yesterday. So much changes in a little person in that time period. She is no longer a baby. I am going to look back on these years and just miss the tar out of them. I am going to gaze into the air and try to remember what she was like when she was just a three year old. She seems so old to me now, but obviously, she is just a little peanut. It is like savoring something that you know you can't save forever. You have to eat the cake, or it is going to rot. I know that these are amazing years, and I need to focus on enjoying them as much as I possibly can, rather than fret about missing them tomorrow. Stopping time isn't an option.
Emma says to me the other day, "Mom, you're big, you're not a peanut. I'm small, I'm the peanut!" So she is.
A few Emma facts:
She will only wear short sleeve shirts. No bribes, treats, begging, convincing or sternness will change this. She only wears short sleeves.
She dresses herself by herself everyday. I don't help her pick out her clothes or take off or put anything on. She gets everything right. This makes her very happy.
She likes to eat her breakfast out of the red bowl with the red spoon. Every morning, she breezes into the kitchen, fully dressed, and asks on her way to the table, "Mom, is the red bowl and the red spoon clean?"
She has two babies that she is in love with, that no one is really allowed to touch or mess with. One is a bag of lentils that gets replaced every so often, when I have to cook it, and the other is a little eye pillow. Both of her babies are much more special to her than the "real" babies she owns.
She loves real babies, like the human kind. She loves to hold them, look at them, and talk to them. Her own babies, like the lentils, are named after the babies that she knows. She takes very good care of them.
If you are related to Emma, she knows where you live. We have a little state book, and she knows, South Dakota, Washington, Nebraska, and Iowa. Our state is green. ;)
She still enjoys music a lot, and likes to sing.
She is a sweet little thing, and most of the time, we have very good days, and a lot of fun.
Emma saw G'ma and G'pa on her birthday. She got a little tea cart that she is in love with. This has been added to the "no touch" category of toys. Little Owen knows this, and proceeds with caution. But, he is a boy, and boys are daring, so he has taken it for a spin a time or two.

Emma opened some gifts at her party. She was happy, can you tell? frosting. Thankfully, none of this beautiful blue frosting made its way to our beautiful white chair or ivory furniture. All of the children did have blue tongues and lips though.

All the party goers enjoying cake.

The birthday song. She loved it. Too bad birthdays are only once a year. I think I enjoyed myself as much as she did.
I made a cake for her, which was pretty fun. It took a lot longer than I had expected it to, but all in all I think it went ok. We put up a little banner, and a little decoration over her door. She really knew her birthday was coming, and all week she was excited. It is so much fun to celebrate with children. Their joy is fun to watch and participate in. My own joy for my own birthday seems to be dwindling, but I suppose that is expected.
Emma had several of her little friends over, so we had a full house of little girls. Owen was the only boy, but I think he enjoyed himself despite the excess level of estrogen. The little girls all had fun too. Emma was very good, and welcomed her guests just as we had practiced all week. "Welcome to my house, let's go play!" At the end of the party, she did a very nice job of thanking them, and helping them pick out a balloon to take home with them.
I have a hard time believing that she is 3! It goes really fast. I know I know, we hear that all the time. But I think over the last three years of my own life, and it just seems really long ago that I didn't have a little Emma, but it also seems like just yesterday. So much changes in a little person in that time period. She is no longer a baby. I am going to look back on these years and just miss the tar out of them. I am going to gaze into the air and try to remember what she was like when she was just a three year old. She seems so old to me now, but obviously, she is just a little peanut. It is like savoring something that you know you can't save forever. You have to eat the cake, or it is going to rot. I know that these are amazing years, and I need to focus on enjoying them as much as I possibly can, rather than fret about missing them tomorrow. Stopping time isn't an option.
Emma says to me the other day, "Mom, you're big, you're not a peanut. I'm small, I'm the peanut!" So she is.
A few Emma facts:
She will only wear short sleeve shirts. No bribes, treats, begging, convincing or sternness will change this. She only wears short sleeves.
She dresses herself by herself everyday. I don't help her pick out her clothes or take off or put anything on. She gets everything right. This makes her very happy.
She likes to eat her breakfast out of the red bowl with the red spoon. Every morning, she breezes into the kitchen, fully dressed, and asks on her way to the table, "Mom, is the red bowl and the red spoon clean?"
She has two babies that she is in love with, that no one is really allowed to touch or mess with. One is a bag of lentils that gets replaced every so often, when I have to cook it, and the other is a little eye pillow. Both of her babies are much more special to her than the "real" babies she owns.
She loves real babies, like the human kind. She loves to hold them, look at them, and talk to them. Her own babies, like the lentils, are named after the babies that she knows. She takes very good care of them.
If you are related to Emma, she knows where you live. We have a little state book, and she knows, South Dakota, Washington, Nebraska, and Iowa. Our state is green. ;)
She still enjoys music a lot, and likes to sing.
She is a sweet little thing, and most of the time, we have very good days, and a lot of fun.
Emma saw G'ma and G'pa on her birthday. She got a little tea cart that she is in love with. This has been added to the "no touch" category of toys. Little Owen knows this, and proceeds with caution. But, he is a boy, and boys are daring, so he has taken it for a spin a time or two.

Emma opened some gifts at her party. She was happy, can you tell? frosting. Thankfully, none of this beautiful blue frosting made its way to our beautiful white chair or ivory furniture. All of the children did have blue tongues and lips though.

All the party goers enjoying cake.

The birthday song. She loved it. Too bad birthdays are only once a year. I think I enjoyed myself as much as she did.

My dear Emma-
Emma has a wonderful ability to stick to her guns. I am hopeful that this means that in later life, it will translate into standing up for what is right, and for being a protector of her siblings. Always the optimist, I am.
Right now, what she sticks to, are her own ideas. This particular day, she would not yield to my request, and chose to sit in time-out rather than to listen to her mommy. She was very sweet about sitting in time-out after a bit. I checked on her periodically, and asked, "Are you ready to listen to Mommy yet, or do you want to sit in time-out?" She replied, "Time-out." After an hour and a half, she fell asleep, and this is how I found her.
"Dear Emma,
You are very stubborn. I hope that you had a good nap.

Emma wanted to share her snow suit with her baby. So, naked Emma puts baby in snow suit. :)
Right now, what she sticks to, are her own ideas. This particular day, she would not yield to my request, and chose to sit in time-out rather than to listen to her mommy. She was very sweet about sitting in time-out after a bit. I checked on her periodically, and asked, "Are you ready to listen to Mommy yet, or do you want to sit in time-out?" She replied, "Time-out." After an hour and a half, she fell asleep, and this is how I found her.
"Dear Emma,
You are very stubborn. I hope that you had a good nap.

Emma wanted to share her snow suit with her baby. So, naked Emma puts baby in snow suit. :)

Some Owen love
My dear little boy loves to climb into things. We have a few baskets, and he delights in emptying them and climbing on in.

Laundry day is a favorite in our house. Owen loves the laundry baskets that are available for his pleasure, and Emma enjoys getting all of her clothes returned to her.

One of Owen's other favorite "toys" are bottles. He is consumed for many hours by the tops. He likes the screw-top kind, as well as the flip kind. So, in these pictures, he is very happy because he has an empty chocolate syrup bottle to play with.

I tell ya, this kid is wrapping himself around my heart more each day. I can't decide if he is my baby still or not, but it matters little, I think. He loves to look at books, and will try to say new words when he wants to make me happy. The other chunk of the day he points and whines, and at times grudgingly uses words.
I remember when I was pregnant with him, I worried, as I have heard other women do, that I could not possibly love him like I did my first baby. Of course, on the other side of it, we all know that is a silly worry. Somehow your heart opens and creates a little place for each new person you welcome into your life. They are so very different from each other, my two children, but they each have given me a mother's heart. I am almost surprised that I am so in love with them. I find myself gazing at them, in their good moments, and being so overwhelmed with thankfulness that I am able to spend so much time with them, and share the simple moments together that mean so much to each of us. In the moments that are not so gushy and gooey, I love them, but watch the clock until daddy comes home a little closer. :)

Laundry day is a favorite in our house. Owen loves the laundry baskets that are available for his pleasure, and Emma enjoys getting all of her clothes returned to her.

One of Owen's other favorite "toys" are bottles. He is consumed for many hours by the tops. He likes the screw-top kind, as well as the flip kind. So, in these pictures, he is very happy because he has an empty chocolate syrup bottle to play with.

I tell ya, this kid is wrapping himself around my heart more each day. I can't decide if he is my baby still or not, but it matters little, I think. He loves to look at books, and will try to say new words when he wants to make me happy. The other chunk of the day he points and whines, and at times grudgingly uses words.
I remember when I was pregnant with him, I worried, as I have heard other women do, that I could not possibly love him like I did my first baby. Of course, on the other side of it, we all know that is a silly worry. Somehow your heart opens and creates a little place for each new person you welcome into your life. They are so very different from each other, my two children, but they each have given me a mother's heart. I am almost surprised that I am so in love with them. I find myself gazing at them, in their good moments, and being so overwhelmed with thankfulness that I am able to spend so much time with them, and share the simple moments together that mean so much to each of us. In the moments that are not so gushy and gooey, I love them, but watch the clock until daddy comes home a little closer. :)
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