Today was really good. I woke up to my husband saying good-bye, and happy birthday. I had honestly
forgotten that it was my birthday, so it was so nice to start off that way. Emma slept in, so that means that of course I slept in.
I got calls from several people, it was great to hear from people. Jess gave me a really great card, it was really special. I made a cake for myself, and for dinner we had chicken, fries and I had steamed asparagus, which I love, and Jess had other veggies.
My mother is going to get a quote book somewhere, I need to get on this. She says the funniest things, and doesn't realize they are hilarious. For instance, as we talked today, she said, "let's see, you're 26 now. 26 was when I started to feel old." Granted, she didn't intend for it to be anything but informative, but it sounded really funny when she said it, and we had a good laugh. I'll have to get her blessing and share some of her "bright sides". Let's just say, she has the most positive outlook sometimes!
Emma is really going to walk here. Today I was sitting on the floor and she was holding an ice cream bucket (which she loves! I was going to throw it away, so I put it by the trash can, and she walked by and picked it up) in one hand, and using her other to balance. I had me knees up, and she was going around me, and then she just let go and walked to the chair! It was incredible, the best she has done. They weren't wobbly or rushed, they were very steady and even. Tonight, she was crawling, and somehow stood up, and without support, reached down and got the bucket, then took several more steps to her basket of toys. I don't know if she even realizes she is doing it. I knew that she was going to walk, for
pete's sake it shouldn't be such a surprise, but I am just in awe as I see her do new things. Always learning and going, a little sponge, for sure.
So, this past year has been really good. Kind of blurry at times, but good. There have been a lot of changes.
Obviously, being a mom, and also staying home and moving. I think I have changed quite a bit, my perspectives have changed. I am still adjusting to the different life of stay at home motherhood. Goals are different here, no deadlines, no angry customers, no overtime. It is
fulfilling, in a different way. I look forward to this downhill slide to 30, at which point my life will be over and I will fall into a deep state of depression.
Ok, maybe not ;)