
Nothing "ba-aad" about our morning.

Today Emma and I went to the Deanna Rose Farmstead. It is a little petting zoo/park run by the city, which means it is free to get in. She had a fun time walking around, and several times she pushed my hands away, she didn't want any help. They have a fish pond, and if I had let her, she would have walked right in and swam away. Her favorite part though, was the goats. There are several in fenced areas that you can pet through the fence, and also some little ones, and a few grown ones that must be especially tame, that are in an area that you can walk into. So we went in, and she loves goats. You would have thought she had been there before, or she has spent a lot of time with goats. They came up to her and pushed their noses against her, or nuzzled her hand looking for food, and she just died laughing. She giggled and giggled. Then when they started dispersing, she began to chase them. When she caught them, she would either wait for them to come after her, then collapse in giggles, or give them a big hug. There was one laying down, and she probably would have just laid down with her if I would have allowed. It was a lot of fun to watch. I tried to get some goat hugging pictures, but it was challenging and I was unsuccessful. We will have to go a lot this summer though. It's a great way to see other people and explore.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oooo! Don't you just love that place? We used to go there all the time when I was growing up, and now Anna absolutely loves it too. We'll have to go this summer (you, me, Emma, and Anna)!