

it is very cold out, and snowy too. i don't think we'll be going anywhere. emma got a new hat last week, with some matching mittens. she actually wears the hat, which is definitely progress. i think she realizes that it keeps her warm.

yesterday she discovered the goodness of cinnamon and sugar toast. it was a hit, she had two full pieces, for a snack.

i am going to do a lot of laundry today. it feels good to clean up while your house is somewhat toasty, and it's freezing out.

our anniversary is next week already. somehow it snuck up on us. someday i think it would be fun to take a train ride for our anniversary, like in alaska. but not this year, we'll be dining out somewhere local. it's not quite as much fun when i can't have anything dairy, but i'll manage. this is the first anniversary that i won't be pregnant. that makes it feel like a longer time, us being married.

we're done with snack time. off i go....

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