
come on...be a big girl

In two weeks or so, I will be due in two months. It seems really fast. Last time I was laying clothes out in the crib, and daydreaming about what life would be like with a baby. This time, I am looking at Emma, and wondering what life with a newborn will be like. We have a few things to teach her he arrives.
A big priority is getting down the stairs by herself. So we have been helping her with the "sit and scoot" method. She likes it and is good at it, but still needs us to hold one hand. That would even be ok for awhile. I just can't carry two of them down at once.
Another is eating with a spoon. She is really interested, and does fairly well. She improves all the time.
Next is bathing herself, and making her own meals. Laundry will come soon enough, so I am not going to push that, for now ;)
It's fun to think about how they will interact as he grows, and what her reaction will be to a baby. It's exciting to think of a new little baby, to meet him and hold him, and name him, and introduce him. It's fun to look at the little clothes and see how small they are, and wonder how they start so small! It's fun to imagine a new little life that we get to be a part of, because we are so lucky. It's fun all right, just with a layer or terror and a sprinkle of panic on top.

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