
The adventures of Wed, March 19th

This is the tree in backyard.

that had some

issues with the rain. It's

kind of scary that it was

dead enough to fall

without wind or a severe

storm, just rain!

This morning was bath day, so we got all the stuff ready. I always put everything you need on the toilet, like clothes. Emma is in this stage of loving to throw stuff, or put stuff in, or take it out. So, lo and behold, I wasn't paying attention, and look over, and there are her clean clothes, in the bathtub! She looks very pleased, doesn't she?

She had a good bath though...she likes to share her duck. Ahh....

So we have a very happy and clean baby. :)

1 comment:

Ben & Leah Weins said...

She does look SO pleased with herself. (: That's really funny. I love the ninja pic, I'm so glad you posted that. I can't wait to see both of you in person - just over 8 weeks away!
Love, sil