
This weekend has been nice. Last weekend Jess didn't get home until late Sat night, so it was nice to have him here the whole time. Last night we had a Lost marathon, we watched four episodes. It was fun. The night before we started the first Lord of the Rings movie. I think I will like them. I read The Hobbit and really liked it, and then started the first book. I stalled at about half way through, maybe a little more. It is good, just really slow.

I am craving V8. I have had two glasses so far, and could easily have another. That is an ok indulgence though, right?

Our van has a dead battery. There is a feature, that we don't know how to override because we are waiting for our manual, that does not allow it to shift out of park when the key doesn't come on. So we can't jump it because it is in the garage. We looked at the jump starter kit that doesn't need another car. I would probably like on of those anyway, someday, but I don't know if we'll get one quite yet. Our manual should be here soon, then we can figure out the override.

Sunday's are always sad. I always look forward to vacations when I get him home more.

Nothing to exciting~my second trimester weird dreams had started. The other night I dreamt about my blog, and someone was instructing me on it. One of the comments was about length, apparently it was too long! Well then!

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